Lebenslinien 1: Augustine - Das Herz in der Hand

Lebenslinien 1: Augustine - Das Herz in der Hand

Rental price:  

4,99 € / 48 hours

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1983 90 min Drama Age rating: 12
Language: German

Four women's fates - four generations, from the monarchy to the '68 movement, told in one of the essential epics of Austrian TV history.

The first part is set at the beginning of the turn of the century, and centers on Augustine, called Gusti. She is the daughter of a homeworker and a farm laborer and, in order to escape her parents' child-filled home, embarks on a life as a maid in Vienna. Impregnated by her employer's nephew, and after a pregnancy spent in prison, her daughter Marianne is born on some woolen sheets in a gateway.

"The most brutal thing about these films is love - or what a patriarchal society in the past misunderstood by it." DER SPIEGEL

Here you can get all five parts for the package price (Hier gibt es alle fünf Teile zum Paketpreis)


Gerlinde Csekits, Monica Bleibtreu, Maria Martina and many more

Käthe Kratz

Käthe Kratz

Anton Peschke

Susanne Schett

MUSIC: Bert Breit

PHOTOS: Filmarchiv Austria


Neue Studio Film
Country of Production  


DVD Edition # 238