Lebenslinien 4: Marlene - Der Amerikanische Traum
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Four women's fates - four generations, from the monarchy to the '68 movement, told in one of the essential epics of Austrian TV history.
Elisabeth and her daughter Marlene struggle through life more poorly than well. Elisabeth dreams that her child will one day make a career as a pianist. - Everyone during this time longs for an economic upswing, for a secure future, a little prosperity.
"The most brutal thing about these films is love - or what a patriarchal society in the past misunderstood by it." DER SPIEGEL
Here you can get all five parts for the package price (Hier gibt es alle fünf Teile zum Paketpreis)
Huberta Haubmann, Eva Linder, Robert Schartel and many more
Käthe Kratz
Käthe Kratz
Walter Kindler
Veronika Putz
MUSIC: Bert Breit
PHOTOS: Filmarchiv Austria