New Tales of Franz

New Tales of Franz

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4,99 € / 48 hours

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2023 69 min Komödie Age rating: 0
Language: German, Audio description
STL: German for the hearing impaired

You know when a big problem starts small? Franz knows this well, our hero, the somewhat small boy from Vienna, now ten years old. His best friend, Gabi, is constantly arguing with his best friend, Eberhard. Franz likes them both equally and is always in the middle. Friendship with separate schedules? That doesn't work: shared vacations are half vacations. "The strongest bond in a friendship is a common enemy", Franz overhears his dad say and develops a master plan. The truth is: Gabi suddenly wants to become a detective and catch the burglar who is keeping Vienna in suspense. And Franz thinks his overly strict neighbor, Mrs. Berger, is behaving very suspiciously anyway. After all, she had pearl necklaces in her handbag. So Gabi, Franz and Eberhard go on a secret mission together: they observe, distract adults and secure evidence like the grown-ups. What is Berger hiding? In the end, Franz's lie is exposed, there are completely different secrets than expected (who would have thought what teacher Zickzack gets up to in the summer!) and a broken leg. How will the trio get out of this mess? This much can be said: in the end, everyone's heart opens, including Franz. And even the burglar is caught.


Jossi Jantschitsch, Nora Reidinger, Leo Wacha, Maria Bill, Rainer Egger, Ursula Strauss, Simon Schwarz, Christoph Grissemann u.v.m.

Johannes Schmid

Sarah Wassermair

Matthias Grunsky

Katharina Posch, Michael Kitzberger

Karin Hammer

Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
Country of Production  

Österreich, Deutschland

DVD Neue Geschichten vom Franz