Saturn Filme
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Unique documents from the early days of Austrian film: In the 19th century, the trade in erotic images was widespread. After the Lumière brothers popularized cinematography worldwide starting in 1895, film producers also exploited the potential of the new medium to depict erotic subjects. Johann Schwarzer, a resourceful photographer from Javornik in Silesia, recognized the commercial possibilities of erotic filming. In his Vienna rooftop studio, he was soon producing for the international market as well. Saturn shot exclusively erotic films between 1906 and 1910, which are also considered the first feature films made in Austria. The charmingly made erotic miniatures knew how to entertain and repeatedly directed winking glances at the sacrosanct institutions of the imperial and royal (k. u. k.) monarchy. Monarchy, such as the military or marriage. Until a few years ago, the majority of the SATURN FILMS were considered lost. Through intensive international research, the Filmarchiv Austria has succeeded in recovering over 30 titles.
Highly piquant men's rooms films!
Bathing Forbidden; The Sand Bath; Diana in the Bath; Veil Dance; Youth Games; The Angler; Slave Robbery; Slave Market; The Sculptor's Dream; An Exciting Hunt; A Modern Marriage; At the Photographer's; A Funny Story by the Window; Living Marble; Female Assent; The Vain Parlor Maid; The House Doctor; The Power of Hypnosis; Preparing for the Rendezvous; In the Bath; The Mandarin's Spells; Exciting Reads.
Johann Schwarzer
PRODUCTION: Saturn-Film, Wien
DIGITAL RESTORATION: Filmarchiv Austria 2009
ACCOMPANYING MUSIC: Aljoscha Zimmermann, Florian C. Reithner, Gerhard Gruber